The Difference Between a PUD and an HOA

The Difference Between a PUD and an HOA

If you’re in the market for real estate in an urban area, there’s a good chance you’ve seen listings that state the property is part of a PUD, or Planned Unit Development. While PUDs are part of an HOA, there are distinct features of a PUD many potential buyers might be unaware of. What is … Read more

Getting Your HOA Ready for Pool Season

Can you feel it?! The snow has finally packed its bags, the sun is stretching its rays, and you know what that means? Summer is just around the corner, and in the Carolinas, that’s cause for a celebration! Now, it’s time to get your HOA community ready for pool season. From maintenance tasks to safety … Read more

Managing Vendor Agreements in Your HOA

Taking an active role in your community is an essential function of being an HOA Board Member. General maintenance and upkeep can include projects like gardening, repairs, cleaning services or other handyman tasks. Managing these vendors can feel like a daunting task, especially if you are new to hiring vendors and reviewing contracts. To ensure … Read more

Four Steps to Managing Political Signs in Your HOA Community

With voting season around the corner, more homeowners are going to want to display their political preference with signs in their yards. No matter your political views, it is important to have rules and regulations for displaying political signage in your community. Here are four steps to help guide your community in posting political signs … Read more

Beginner’s Guide to HOA Finance, Budgeting, and Accounting

When managing your community’s funds, it is important to understand the accounting process used by your management company. This guide will assist in some basic accounting terms as well as outline some concepts used by HOAs and HOA management companies. Basic Accounting Terminology Positive Versus Negative Equity Positive equity refers to when an HOA has … Read more

Outdoor Spring Cleaning in HOA Communities

Spring is in the air, and it is time to declutter your home. While working through your spring checklist inside your home, be sure to give the outside a makeover as well. Here are a few recommendations to keep your home and common areas looking fresh. Repair Simple repairs and maintenance of the common areas … Read more